

WHAM is primarily a Motorcycle Club,We are all keen motorcyclists and enjoy all sorts of motorcycling activity..

A significant element of our activity is developing motorcycling skills in accordance with the principles and techniques of Roadcraft. As well as our coaching activity for Associates we have a broad programme of different motorcycle experiences for Advanced Motorcyclists too.

One of our most successful events is our annual Slow Riding Day:-

Other typical events in our Programme include:

Monthly Social Meetings

These are at The Falcon Hotel, Bromyard, location map here.

These meeting are an opportunity to meet and chat with other members – put a face to the rider of a bike you can recognise!

As well as the “chat” there will be brief announcements about forthcoming events, a guest speaker or practical training on topical Motorcycling issues, and of course the chance of a pint if you are not riding..

We also organise regular evening ride outs during the summer months.

Keep an eye on our events page for details.

Regular Group Rides

The Club organises regular rides each Sunday:

  • Every week – for experienced riders able to maintain a progressive pace they can ride with others of similar ability
  • First Sunday of the month – For all Club members including Associate Members and prospective members. Observers will be available for Associates and prospective members wishing to treat the ride as an Observed run
  • See our Events page for details of published rides.

Note that the Observed rides mentioned here are in addition to the arrangements made between Observer and Associate for 1:2:1 coaching.

 SHARP! – Slow Handling Advanced Rider Training Programme

An event focussing on slow handling of the machine. The intent is to demonstrate ‘how to’ manoeuvre a bike at walking pace, U-turns, obstacle courses etc.

It’s a fun event with a clear benefit – how can we call ourselves Advanced Motorcyclists if we look like amateurs in town ?

The organisation of the day will concentrate on safety first, but fun coming in a close second. It will be competitive but only a little!
